Calm the Mind and Nervous System Using the Power of Your Voice
Decrease dis-stress and help to calm your nervous system
Producing this sound several times a day helps soothe and calm your brain
Get more in tune with the world which allows us to have changes made
Enhances flow of Prana
Brings awareness to Purusha & Prakruti - Consciousness within us
Enhances flow of Cerebro-spinal fluid
Chants of Creation
Aum: Creation. The universal sound. The activation process (The Head).
Dom: Formulates the concept of the Universe. It forms the laws or principals. That could be a concept of an evolutionary process (The Heart).
Ee-Wah: The formation and exploration of it all (The Gut Brain).
Ee: Sudden burst of creation into manifestation putting it all together.
Wah: Consolidates all of it.
OM: Alignment and coherence. The Universal sound that keeps everything vibrating. The world is a vibration. Puts us more in touch with the Universal Matrix.
When we chant these three sounds we unite that whole process and solidify our relationship with the world as part of the Univeral Matrix.
We're going to use this very ancient very sacred sound OM to reconfigure the geometry of these three brains: the head brain the heart brain the gut brain and the entire BodyMind Complex.
The sacred sound of OM is made up of three separate sounds.
When you're making this sound it's very helpful to keep your mouth and your jaw as relaxed as possible.
Sometimes the sound of OM is referred to as the primordial sound, or the original sound. The sound of OM is one of if not the only sound, or series of sounds, in which you can make without needing to activate your tongue in any way. You don't need to use your tongue. You don't need to press your tongue against your teeth or anything like that.
The more effortless you can make for this sound the more effective it's going to be.
Three Brains
We can use these sounds to activate the three brains. When we chant these sounds we help unify the three brain functions with one another and solidify our relationship to the world.
You have the brain in your head. The head-brain stands for our concepts and ideas.
The heart also functions just like a brain and we call it our “heart brain”. The heart brain functions with the realtedness of everything. It makes sure everything is being related to one another. Everything in the universe is related, there is nothing that is separate.
Our guts also functions just like a brain it's referred to as the “guts brain.” Sometimes called “the enteric brain” or “second brain.”
The gut brain actually begins in your pharynx the back of your throat and then continues down our entire stomach, our entire intestinal tract all the way through to the rectum and anus of our body.
The gut brain is a mesh-like network of neurons that permeates the lining of our entire digestive tract from our pharynx all the way to the anus.
The gut brain is able to function not only just like a brain, it's able to function independently of the rest of our nervous system.
Whenwe're chanting the OM for our gut brain you'll be feeling that sound resonating from our throat all the way through the entire digestive tract.
All three brains are intended to work together as a single functioning brain and when all three of these brains are working together as a single unit, it really helps the body to cope with dis-stress more effectively, or prevent it from happening in the first place being more resilient.
It helps us to recover from health issues, to deal with dis-ease in a more healthy and more practical more efficient way that is non-invasive.
Once you do the practice daily, you will feel your whole body vibrating and pulsating. When that happens you are sending torsion feilds out all around your body to help harmonize all of it.
In the beginning you might want to stretch your jaw a little bit just to relax your jaw muscles.
Focus on relaxing your jaw, relaxing your tongue. Just letting your tongue rest and relax relaxing all parts of your throat as much as possible relaxing your vocal cords.
Place either hand on your forehead touching your body and sound out as long as you can or want, “Aum” (Ah-Mm).
Now, place either hand over your heart or chest area touching your body and sound out as long as you can or want, “Dom” (Do-Mmmm).
Next, place either hand over your navel or belly button touching your body and sound out as long as you can or want, “Ewah” (Ee-Wa-Aa-h).
Repeat the steps in order once more.
After that we repeat the order of hand placements except with the sound, “OM” twice on each area the hand is touching.
You'll feel a little vibration there on your lips.
Place either hand on your forehead touching your body and sound out as long as you can or want, “OM” (Ah-Oo-Mm). Do it again there in the same spot.
Next, place either hand over your heart or chest area touching your body and sound out as long as you can or want, “OM” (Ah-Oo-Mm). Do it again there in the same spot.
Next, place either hand over your navel or belly button touching your body and sound out as long as you can or want, “OM” (Ah-Oo-Mm). Do it again there in the same spot.
Sit and notice how your body feels. You can do a body scan if you prefer. Noticing any body sensations that might arise.
Sound and Cymatics.
The idea of cymatics is that frequency actually has a geometry to it. Every frequency has a specific geometry to it.
In the video below grains of sand. When specific frequencies of sound are applied to those grains of sand, those grains of sand actually take on a specific geometrical pattern.
That can only demonstrate it two dimensionally yet it would actually be a three dimensional configuration or a multi-dimensional geometrical figure that results from the sound.
All sound is geometry.
Music has a specific geometry to it. Notes and scales have a certain geometry or a certain geometrical sequence that goes along with it.
Sound has been used over thousands and thousands of years as a very powerful healing tool.
Things like crystal bowls or Tibetan singing bowls or chimes or gongs or the sound of people's voices with chants or Buddhist monks chanting other choruses or groups of people who come together to chant or to make sounds with their voice and those sounds are used as a healing tool.
Even in Western allopathic medicine sound is used as a healing tool: ultrasounds.
Ultrasounds are used when scanning the abdomen that pelvic cavity to get information about the developing baby and ultrasound is also used to break up certain blockages or stones that may have developed within the body.
Even conventional Western medicine recognizes the immense power of sound so when you think of sound and the impact it can have on physical matter then it is not too difficult to make the correlation to the way that sound also has an impact on your physical body your cells on your tissues.
Our physical body is made up ultimately of frequencies.
Particles are really just frequencies of energy and sound are also just frequencies of energy.
Works Cited
Velthiem, John. “PaRama CampusTM.”,
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